Bespoke Solutions for Flow Control Needs
(Reliable & Competitive)

FCC Low Pressure Globe Control Valves

Low Pressure Globe Control Valves

FCC Cryogenic Globe Control valves

Cryogenic Globe Control Valves

FCC High Pressure Globe Control Valves

High Pressure Globe Control Valves

FCC High Performance Butterfly Valves

High Performance Butterfly Valves

FCC Triple Offset Butterfly Valves

Triple Offset Butterfly Valves

FCC Spring and Diaphragm Actuators

Spring and Diaphragm Actuators

FCC Multi Spring and Diaphragm Actuators

Multi Spring and Diaphragm Actuators

FCC Piston Actuators

Piston Actuators

Low Pressure Globe Control Valves

Series :    10
Size & Rating :    1 to 24”, Upto 600#
Body-Bonnet MOC :    WCB/WCC, LCB/LCC, CF8M, CF3M, Duplex,
    Super Duplex, 6Mo, Monel, Inconel, HTB1, Al. Bronze
Bonnet Style :    Standard, Extension, Cryogenic
Flow Characteristics :    Linear, Equal Percent, Customized
Trim Type :    Microspline, Contoured, Multi Hole Cage,
    Anti cavitation trim, Low Noise Trim
Trim MOC :    No restriction
Trim Balancing :    1 to 4’’ Unbalanced & 1 to 24’’ Balanced
Balancing seal :    Spring energized Lip seal, Graphite Seal
Seat Leakage :    Class IV, V & VI
Gland Packing :    PTFE Chevrons, Graphite

Standard & Bespoke
Warm service, High Temperatures, Ultra High temperatures, Cryogenic

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Cryogenic Globe Control valves

FCC Series 10C
Series :    10C
Size & Rating :    1 to 6”, Upto 600#
Body-Bonnet MOC :    CF8M
Bonnet Style :    Cryogenic
Flow Characteristics :    Linear, Equal Percent, Customized
Trim Type :    Microspline, Contoured, Multi Hole Cage,
    Anti cavitation trim, Low Noise Trim
Trim MOC :    N316SS
Trim Balancing :    1 to 4’’ Unbalanced & 1 to 6’’ Balanced
Balancing seal :    Spring energized Lip seal
Seat Leakage :    Class IV, V & VI
Gland Packing :    PTFE Chevrons

Standard & Bespoke
Warm service, Cryogenic

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High Pressure Globe Control Valves

FCC Series 11
Series :    11
Size & Rating :    1 to 12”, Upto 2500#
Body-Bonnet MOC :    WCB/WCC, LCB/LCC, CF8M, CF3M, Duplex, Super Duplex,
:    6Mo, Monel / Inconel, HTB1, Al. Bronze
Bonnet Style :    Standard, Extension, Cryogenic
Flow Characteristics :    Linear, Equal Percent, Customized
Trim Type :    Microspline, Contoured, Multi Hole Cage, Anti cavitation trim,
    Low Noise Trim, Stack Trims
Trim MOC :    No restriction
Trim Balancing :    1 to 2’’ Unbalanced & 1 to 12’’ Balanced
Balancing seal :    Spring energized Lip seal, Graphite Seal
Seat Leakage :    Class IV, V & VI
Gland Packing :    PTFE Chevrons, Graphite

Standard & Bespoke
Warm service, High Temperatures, Ultra High temperatures, Cryogenic

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High Performance Butterfly Valves

FCC Series 20
Series :    20
Size & Rating :    3 to 36”, Upto 600#
Body-Bonnet MOC :    WCB/WCC, LCB/LCC, CF8M, CF3M, Duplex, Super Duplex,
:    6Mo, Monel / Inconel, HTB1, Al. Bronze
Flow Characteristics :    Modified Equal Percentage (Inherent)
Trim Type :    Double Offset
Body seal type :    Soft Seal, Metal Seal, Fire Safe Seal
Seat Leakage :    Class IV & VI
Gland Packing :    PTFE Chevrons, Graphite

Standard & Bespoke

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Triple Offset Butterfly Valves

FCC Series 21
Series :    21
Size & Rating :    3 to 36”, Upto 600#
Body-Bonnet MOC :    WCB/WCC, LCB/LCC, CF8M, CF3M, Duplex, Super Duplex,
:    6Mo, Monel / Inconel, HTB1, Al. Bronze
Flow Characteristics :    Modified Equal Percentage (Inherent)
Trim Type :    Triple Offset
Body seal type :    Laminated Metal Seal, Solid Metal Seal
Seat Leakage :    Class IV, V & VI
Gland Packing :    PTFE Chevrons, Graphite

Standard & Bespoke
Warm service & Cryogenic

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Spring and Diaphragm Actuators

FCC Series 30
Series :    30
Sizes :    38, 75, 150 & 300 sq in
Travel :    3/4 inch to 4 inch
Pneumatic Supply :    4.1 barg (60psi) for sizes 38, 75 & 150 sq in
    3.4 barg (50psi) for sizes 300 sq in
Operating medium :    Air and Nitrogen
Temperature :    -20⁰C to 80⁰C
Fail action :    Air Fail Open, Air Fail Close & Air Fail Stay Put
Spring Ranges :    Various spring range combination for various sizes
Manual Override :    Top mounted HW for 38 in2
    Side mounted HW for 75 in2 , 150 in2 , 300 in2
Options :    Upper and Lower limit stops
Salient Features :    Single acting
    Field reversible
    Easy Installation on Valves
    Rugged Construction

Multi Spring and Diaphragm Actuators

FCC Series 31
Series :    31
Sizes :    60, 100, 160 & 230 sq in
Travel :    3/4 inch to 2.5 inch
Pneumatic Supply :    4.1 barg for all actuator sizes
Operating medium :    Air and Nitrogen
Temperature :    -20⁰C to 80⁰C
Fail action :    Air Fail Open, Air Fail Close & Air Fail Stay Put
Spring Ranges :    3-15 psi, 6-30 psi, 11-23 psi, 21-45psi
Manual Override :    Side mounted Handwheel
Options :    Upper and Lower limit stops
Salient Features :    Single acting
    Field reversible
    Easy Installation on Valves
    Rugged Construction

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Piston Actuators

FCC Series 32
Series :    32
Sizes :    30, 50, 110, 220 sq in
Travel :    3/4 inch to 12 inch
Pneumatic Supply :    6 barg for all actuator sizes
Operating medium :    Air and Nitrogen
Temperature :    -20⁰C to 80⁰C
Fail action :    Air Fail Open, Air Fail Close & Air Fail Stay Put
Spring Ranges :    3-15 psi, 6-30 psi, 11-23 psi, 21-45psi
Manual Override :    Side mounted Handwheel
Options :    Upper and Lower limit stops
Salient Features :    Double acting spring fail safe
    Double acting with inbuilt volume tank
    Double acting with separate volume tank
    High thrust capability

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Our Documents & Catalogues

SN Products Description View Download
1 Series 10 Low Pressure Globe Control Valves
2 Series 10C Cryogenic Globe Control Valves
3 Series 11 High Pressure Globe Control Valves
4 Series 20 High Performance Butterfly Valves
5 Series 21 Triple Offset Butterfly Valves
6 Series 30 Spring and Diaphragm Actuators - -
7 Series 31 Multi Spring and Diaphragm Actuators
8 Series 32 Piston Actuators